This blog tries to explain current issues and misconceptions about Islam.
Stylistic Aspect of the Revelation.
Published on October 20, 2010 By survivalstory In Religion

Throughout ages, people have, widely, differed on the issue of Quran. For many non-Muslims, the Quran was, and is still, believed to be a "piece of litterature", that some could go too far as to say that Quran is poetry due to its usage of rythms and rhyms. Proving that the Quran is divine requires proving, in the first hand, that the it was a revelation upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh); ie to prove that the Quran was revealed, then recited, but not written. Quran is an Arabic word, which ,simply, means recitation. Most dictionnaries define revelation as the fact of "disclosing a secret to someone", while recitation is defined as an "oral response from a pupil to a teacher" or "or as a period of classroom instruction". While pondering over these terms, it would be clear that revelation and recitation portray a verbal communication involving two people; one is holding the status of a teacher,disclosing a message, while the other is a pupil, receiving it and replying back. In fact, this was quite the same with Prophet Muhammad receiving the divine message(through Angel Gabriel) and reciting it back to people. Naming this Holy Book as "Quran", (or "recitation") is not a coincidence, but it is a proof that it was a revelation; a verbal communication between Muhammad (pbuh) and God through the angel Gabriel.

To illustrate this fact, let us move now to the style of the Quran. The Quran contains rythms and rhyms that is true, yet it would be silly to call it poetry. Despite the fact that the Quran contains rhymed verses, this is not a dominant feature, the way it is with classical Arabic peotry, which relies only on rhyms. The Quran holds other varieties of style, which all of them rely, basically, on an oral process of communication. A stunning feature of the Quranic style is that of order or instruction. God says in the Holy Quran:

 “Read in the name of your Lord who created -created Man from a clot. Read: for your Lord is Most Bountiful, who teaches by the pen, teaches Man that which he knew not.” (Quran : The Embryon 96:1-5).

‘O you (Muhammad) enveloped (in garments)! Arise and warn! And your Lord (Allah) magnify! And your garments purify! And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols)!’" [74:1-5]

These were the first verses revealed, gradually, to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Hiraa's cave, through the Angel Gabriel. God begins the revelation by the word "read". Its usage (twice) in the verse of The Embryon refers to a divine order to "read", ie to get education and knowledge, as the Prophet was an illeterate person. The second revelation moves from the instruction to "read" (to get knowledge on human creation), to the divine instruction to "arise and warn". These verses, being revealed in different stages proves a logical coherence between revealing knowledge, and then reciting and "spreading it to people. Just these two verses, out of many, are great proofs of Quran as a verbal discourse, or a process of communication between God and Muhammad (pbuh), which is highly stressed by the usage of the pronoun "you" and verbs of command. Another stunning style is the inversion of the order of human language, when God says " your Lord mangnify", "your garment purify". Besides, we notice repeated words, to stress the idea of command and highlight the importance of this divine message. For humans, to write by using repetition or inverting the verb/subject/object order create disorder, confusion to the reader, and is wholly regarded as an unskilful usage of language. However, for a divine message like these verses, it creates an accurate usage of language, and a unique style. Now, let us move to another example of verbal discourse. God says in the Holy Quran:

"Say: He is Allah the One and Only. Allah, the eternal, absolute; He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him" "Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn from the mischief of created things; from the mischief of darkness as it overspreads; from the mischief of those who practice secret arts, and from the mischief of the envious one, as he practices envy."

There are many verses in Quran beginning with the word "say". To began with it, initiates, beforehand, a question that God is repying to, by a ready-made answer. Whenever the Prophet Muhammad was introduced to a new situation in his life, or was asked about the nature of God, or any specific question that the Prophet can not handle, God reveals another verse depicting the situation and providing answers. "Say" proves, strongly, the concept of revelation, and recitation: God reveals "the answer" (the verse), and commands the Prophet to recite it to people. Examples like this are many in Quran, I just can not cite them all to avoid repetition and summerize my ideas the best I can. Yet, this is one stylistic features among many others, such as oath and story-telling.

Reading the Quran in this light is a proof that it was not written by humans, because if not it would be totally different. Human books are often shaped with the traditional structure of introduction, devellopement, and conclusion, which the Quranic style contradicts. Besides, while reading the Quran, we realise that we can move through different issues in just one verse, while the next issues remain unpredictable till we get to them, which human writting does not as it focuses on one theme, and then moves to another in a quite calculated way.

Tell me, how can Muhammad (pbuh) write Quran if he is illeterate? And if it was written for him according to his instructions, why would the Prophet would mention his status as a messenger, and not as a deity? Just to believe that Quran is human is silly, because how would Muhammad know about the past stories of tribes and Prophets that existed before him long years ago? How would an illeterate man, living in the desert treat issues of war, judicial issues, commercial dealings, and scientific facts, that have been discoverd of late?

This is a very interesting site, which provides modern scientific discoveries, which have been dealt by the Quran, before any human can know anything about science:

                                                      A. Siham

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on Oct 20, 2010

A. Siham,

Yours is a very interesting and thought provoking apologetic for the Qur'an.

As to your title, just to be clear, it should be noted that no book, including the Holy Bible, in and of itself, is divine or human. Books are inanimate physical objects.

So it seems to me a more correct way of stating the question would be: What makes the Qur'an Divine Revelation?

Just to believe that Quran is human is silly, because how would Muhammad know about the past stories of tribes and Prophets that existed before him long years ago?

Then call me silly becasue I believe the Qur'an definitely originates from human thought. Why? For several obvious reasons.

There is but one true God and the One True God is not a God of confusion or contradiction, for God can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Almighty God is Absolute Truth and there can be but one Absolute Truth in what He has revealed in His Divine written Word.

Of this point the late Pope John Paul II remarked: "Whoever reads the Old and New Testaments and then reads the Qur'an  clearly sees the process by which the Qur'an reduces Divine Revelation. It's impossible not to know the movement away from what God said about Himself, first in the Old testament through the prophets, and then finally in the New Testament through His Son..."    


on Oct 20, 2010

hello, what do you find contradictory in Quran as to believe it a Human thought?

If it is human thaught the who wrote it?

Have ever read Quran?

Ok I ask these questions because I find that your idea about Quran being human is not clear enough to discuss it together.

Welcome in my little blog.



on Oct 20, 2010

Tell me, how can Muhammad (pbuh) write Quran if he is illeterate?

Just to believe that Quran is human is silly, because how would Muhammad know about the past stories of tribes and Prophets that existed before him long years ago?

The answer is found by studying Mohammed's early life. He was born around 570Ad and after his parents and grandfather died, he was given to the care of his uncle, Abu Talib, a textile merchant who traveled by caravan to foreign lands.

Mohammed couldn't read, so what he learned about Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Manishasism, Arab pagan religions and Christianity came mostly from men telling stories and oral traditions he heard while on these travels.

The Qur'an has all these influences.  

on Oct 20, 2010

What does the Quran say about Jesus and the Bible?

on Oct 20, 2010

Well, if you assume this to be human oral tradition passed on to him by people, why the narratves between Bible and Quran contradict concerning the stories of Prophets (peace be upon them all). and then, who would have told him of the scientific design of the univers; of knocking stars, big bang, the burned sea, human embryology. if it is human oral tradition who told him and gave him information about alms-giving, Jihad, commercial issues, punishements, ..etc. if the Quran is human, why should there be a Sunnah (sunnah records all the prophet Muhammad's behaviours and sayings taken from the revelation)? Because if so Muhammad would be just repeating himself. if Mohammad wrote Quran or asked people to write it for him, why did not he made himself a deity like the christians claim about Jesus? Why did he wait all his life till he reached the age of 40 to write Quran?

on Oct 20, 2010

Hello, welcome. as Muslims we all believe in Jesus, but not as the son of God, but as a Prophet like all other Prophets, who came with the message of worshipping only one God. Jesus never said that he was the son of God, but said that he was a messenger of God. He was born by a divine miracle, and acheived miracles throughout his life, like healing people from leprosy and other illnesses by the will of God; his miracles is the he talked in the grave ...we respect him so much and take lessons from his humility, and goodness but we do not accept that he was half human half God, neither he was not crucified, but his soul has been raised to go, because Prophets of God are not to be slaughtered. God says in the Holy Quran:

He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; "And He hath made me Blessed wheresoever I be and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live; "(He) hath made me kind to my mother and not overbearing or miserable; "So Peace is on me the day I was born the day that I die and the Day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"!  Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth about which they (vainly) dispute.  ( 19:30-34 ) 

He also said:

O people of the Book! commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah aught but truth.  Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) an Apostle of Allah and His Word which He bestowed on Mary and a Spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His Apostles.  Say not "Trinity": desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is One Allah: glory be to him: (for Exalted is He) above having a son.  To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth.  And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.  Christ disdaineth not to serve and worship Allah nor do the angels those nearest (to Allah): those who disdain His worship and are arrogant He will gather them all together unto himself to (answer).
( 4:171, 172 ) 

welcome again



on Oct 20, 2010

ohh so sorry I wanted to say that he talked in the cradle, not the grave!

I wanted to say again that his soul has been raised to heaven, but not crucified.

SORRY..typing mistakes!

on Oct 20, 2010

Have ever read Quran?

Yes. I have a paperback edition translated from the Arabic by J.M. Rodwell, published in 1994 and again in 2001 by Orion House in London, England.  

If it is human thaught the who wrote it?

Muslims believe the Qur'an was dictated word for word by God to Mohammad. What's written in the Qur'an is Mohammed's recitations compiled into writing by Mohammed's son in law, Uthman. 





on Oct 20, 2010

Ok I ask these questions because I find that your idea about Quran being human is not clear enough to discuss it together.

Sorry if I haven't been clear. I'll try again. In addition to the reasons I stated above, I believe the Qur'an definitely originates from human thought because Mohammed ( a human) recited the passages, that he claimed came directly from God through the Angel Gabriel, to his son in law, Uthman, (a human) who in turn wrote the Qur'an.



on Oct 20, 2010

Quran was revealed by God to Muhammad (may God bless him) through the angel Gabriel. After revelation, the Prophet used to appoint writers to record down the revelation at the presence of Gabriel, the Prophet always asked the writer to recite back what he wrote to make sure the writer did not miss or add anything inadvertently. He had few of them and those writers kept the pieces of cloth paper, slates and animal bones with them and frequently were asked to add new revelations whenever it came to  the Prophet. they instructed them as to where to put the new revelation in relation to what they wrote before. In the last year of his life (PPUH) he and Archangel Gabriel reviewedthe whole complete text with it order of chapters and verses. They did that twice and the prophet recited the whole thing to his companions in the presence of the writersto make sure nothing is missed and nothing is added. At the beginning of revelation, he instructed all of his companions and writers NOT TO WRITE anything else he utters except that what he tells them is a revelation. he did that from the beginning to the end of his message. After he passed away the third Khalifa (successor) Othman Ben-Affan ordered all writersand companion to meet in a conference and put the whole text in a single Book. They reviewed and confirmed each others' texts and presented the final single text to Othman who ordered 4 more copies to be made and sent to different regions of the Islamic State at the time.  He sent one to Damascus, one to Baghdad, One to Mecca and one to Jerusalem and of course he kept the first copy to himself in Madina. Some of these copies still exist. one in London, One in Turkey and One is still in Damascus. this is the brief history of the recording of Quran. another thing the Arab people at that time were know for their capacity of memorization, so Quran was also preserved through memorization...


on Oct 20, 2010

Well, if you assume this to be human oral tradition passed on to him by people, why the narratves between Bible and Quran contradict concerning the stories of Prophets (peace be upon them all). and then, who would have told him of the scientific design of the univers; of knocking stars, big bang, the burned sea, human embryology. if it is human oral tradition who told him and gave him information about alms-giving, Jihad, commercial issues, punishements, ..etc. if the Quran is human, why should there be a Sunnah (sunnah records all the prophet Muhammad's behaviours and sayings taken from the revelation)? Because if so Muhammad would be just repeating himself. if Mohammad wrote Quran or asked people to write it for him, why did not he made himself a deity like the christians claim about Jesus? Why did he wait all his life till he reached the age of 40 to write Quran?

Well, if you assume this to be human oral tradition passed on to him by people, why the narratves between Bible and Quran contradict concerning the stories of Prophets (peace be upon them all).

As I said before there is but one Absolute Truth. Almighty God's revealed Words cannot be found in both the OLd and New Testament Scriptures and in the Qur'an becasue of the radical disagreements and contradictions between them.

For example, Muslims through reading the Qur'an believe that Jesus is not the Son of God but a mere mortal man only prophet who prepares for the last and greatest prophet Mohammed. Believing that Jesus is the Son of God is blasphemy punishable by death. Christ's Redemption of all mankind is completely absent in the Qur'an.

Another big difference is the Qur'an's view of the One God. The Qur'an enumerates 99 names of God but missing from the list is "Father" i.e. a personal God capable of recriprocal and loving relationship with mankind. THe One God of the Qur'an demands submission is a distant God and to call Him Father is a sacrilege. The Muslim God is utterly impassive and to ascribe loving feelings to Him would be unthinkable.


Because if so Muhammad would be just repeating himself. if Mohammad wrote Quran or asked people to write it for him, why did not he made himself a deity like the christians claim about Jesus? 

Mohammed couldn't make himself a God becasue he wasn't God. The Christ on the other hand claimed over and over that He was God and that's why He was put to death. They couldn't handle the truth.  


on Oct 20, 2010

Hello, my questions are more rhetorical. no, Jesus was never the son of God, and he never died for the sin of mankind. Quran does not enumerate that God is father, because He is not. God is our creator, not our "father". there is no contradiction in Quran. Muhammad was a Prophet like Jesus and all Prophets of God. The people of the book used to know that a Prophet would come after Jesus, they kept waiting for him to come, because it was revealed in their holy books, they taught that the comming prophet would be one from their tribes, but to their suprise, they found that he was an Arab, and that is why they refused to submit. I have never said that Prophet Muhammad is God, neither Jesus, they were Prophets who came with the same message of worshipping only one God. You seem to contradict yourself, at first you said that there is only one God, you then said :  Believing that Jesus is the Son of God is blasphemy punishable by death, and you also say at the end that :  The Christ on the other hand claimed over and over that He was God. please review what you said.

another thing, Quran reveals evidences about science, like human embryology, the knocking star ( I will put an article about it ) and so have the link ..see could Prophet Muhammad know evidences about Science, only God could know, because He is the Creator and He passed this INFORMATion to Muhammad (pbuh) which is found in Quran.

on Oct 20, 2010


Jesus never said that he was the son of God

Yes He did.  Many times.  Here are a few:

Jesus calls Himself the Son of God and elaborates on His unique Sonship in Matt 11:27-  "All things have been committed to me by my Father.  No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."

John 5:22 Christ again calls Himself the Son of God, and elaborates: "Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just they honor the Father.  He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him." (emphasis mine)

And God Himself calls Jesus son in Matthew 17:5-"While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!"

So we've established in your Quran's, in your god's words:


Muslims we all believe in Jesus


He was born by a divine miracle, and achieved miracles throughout his life


we respect him so much and take lessons from his humility, and goodness

And yet Jesus did claim to be the son of God.  Many times.  So that makes him a liar.  The Quran says to respect and take lessons from a liar???? 

Either Jesus was the Son of God and what he did and said backs that up....or He was a liar, and your very book labels him "good" and instructs you to mimic his goodness.

Muhammad was a Prophet like Jesus

Was he a liar too?


on Oct 21, 2010

Hello, Jesus (may God bless him) was never never a liar. Jesus never said that he was the son of God, but people interfered in religious books to make him seen as the son the of God. He is not a liar. the fact that he was born with a miracle does not mean that he was born out of God's spirit, and Quran never say so. the Miracle is that he was born without a father. that is why people doubted Mary (may God bless her) , and some went to far as to say that God's spirit came upon her, which a blasmephy again. Muhammad (pbuh) is not a liar either, the ancient people of the book knew that a Prophet would come after Jesus, because it is mentioned in their holy books.

on Oct 21, 2010

the ancient people of the book knew that a Prophet would come after Jesus, because it is mentioned in their holy books.

Where is that?

but people interfered in religious books to make him seen as the son the of God.

Hmmm, I believe the same of your book.

See how that works?

My whole point is simple.

People believe what they want to believe.



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