This blog tries to explain current issues and misconceptions about Islam.
Prophet Muhammad mentioned in Bibe and Torah
Published on October 21, 2010 By survivalstory In Religion

As Muslims we all come to beleive in all the divine religions that came before Islam, and all the Prophets, Jesus, Moses, Abraham..etc (peace be upon them all). However, why do Christians or Jews do not beleive in our Prophet as we beleive in theirs. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has been mentioned in the Quran, Torah, and the Bible. If they have really read their Holy Books, haven't they come across these verses?

God says in the Holy Quran:

Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel. He orders them good, forbade them wrong, they make good things lawful, forbids them evil, and frees them of the burden and the fetters that hung over them. Those who believe in him, honor him and rescued after the light down with him, those are the winners. (The Family of Imran, V.81)

God confirms that the Prophet has been mentioned in the Torah. While talking to Moise, God says:

The Lord said to me [Moses]: “What they say is good. I will raise up for them a Prophet like you among their brothers; I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to My words that the Prophet speaks in My name, I will Myself call him to account.” (Deuteronomy 18:17–9)

In this verse, it is clearly shown that God tells Moise about the coming of a Prophet from among "your brothers". As we all know, all the Prophets descend from the same family of Abraham and Adam. God also says" I will put my words into his mouth", which means that the Prophet (peace be upon him) follows the sayings and instructions of God through the Holy Quran, which means that the Prophet came to complete the divine messages of Moise, Jesus, and all Prophets that came before.

Again, the bible comes to confirm, through Prophet Jesus (may God bless him), the arrival of a new Prophet:

"If you love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father (God) and he'll give you another Comforter, because he is always with you. "(Jean1415et16)" When the Comforter, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth because he will not speak of himself but he says everything he hears and he will shew you things to come "John 16: 12-13.

This verse is somehow similar to the aboved mentioned verse from the Torah. Jesus says "he'll give you another Comforter, because he is always with you", which is quite similar to the verse of Moise " I will raise up for them a Prophet like you among their brothers". This Prophet or comforter will be raised from the same family of Prophecy, this means that Jesus like Moise was a Prophet not a God. Another similarity is "will not speak of himself but he says everything he hears..." Again like the Torah, Jesus says that Prophet Muhammad will follow the instructions of God, revealed to him through the Quran. Another striking contradiction in the verse of the Bible is that it speaks about two different concepts in just one verse: "I will pray the Father (God) and he'll give you another Comforter..." If we explain the word comforter in its context, it would mean "the Holy Spirit" in the Christian thought. Well, it would be inconsistent to say that thiscomforter is a Holy Spirit. Comforter in this sense would mean Prophet.

Bearing in mind the similarities between the three verses, it is only wise and logical to understand that God who sent the Quran upon Muhammad, sent the Bible upon Jesus,and the Torah upon Moise. This means that all the divine message complete one another

                                           A. Siham

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 23, 2010

Sorry, all this is blasphemy against Prophets of God!

you are the one that will stand before God answering the charge of blasphemy against HIS SON!  God said himself before many witnessess "behold my son in whom I am well pleased."  Nothing was done in secret unlike the religion of Muhammed was.  Everything in the name of Christianity is done before two or more witnessess.  All out in the open. 

You are the one saying Jesus, (GOD in the flesh) is nothing more than mere man like Adam or Muhammed.  Blasphemy in a nutshell is simply unbelief.  You are unbelieving and will stand before God someday to answer the question "Who did you say that I am?" 

It will all come down to that one question and how you responded to it.   So while you still have breath in you on this side of eternity, I would implore you to honestly search with all your heart for the truth making sure it's done with a pure motive.  Do the research and pray earnestly for truth. 


on Oct 23, 2010

hello, Charles I have already argued this subject, I do not like to repeat myself twice, and I insulted nobody!!!!

have a nice time!

I never said you insulted anyone, but considering you come to that conclusion when this was never stated, I can see why you can't understand Lula or KFC's comments. Just so you know that is what a debate is, repetition is part of the whole concept of debating. If you can't deal with having your opinions challenged then perhaps you should take my previous suggestion is block people from commenting on your articles. I never understand why people post articles with the option to comment on them only to get upset when someone does but does not necessarily support their opinions.

on Oct 23, 2010

Hello Charles, a debate for me should come each time with something new, but just repeating the same thing again and again serves no one. I do not like this side of religion, which is in fact human invention, which says that 'my religion, my Prophet' is greater than any one, or 'my' Prophet is lord of all... In our religion, we are taught that all Prophets of God are equal, and we believe in them all..but when people keep saying, directly or indirectly, that they are better than you..what is the point of debating?..I see it that way. By the way, I do not like to block people (unless they insult and keep doing so.)

on Oct 23, 2010

In our religion, we are taught that all Prophets of God are equal, and we believe in them all..

well, if your religion is Islam, this is news to me that Islam teaches that all prophets are equal. So are you saying that Muslims believe that Mohammed is not greater than any of the other prophets? Becasue from everything I've read and heard Islam teaches that Mohammed was the greatest of all the prophets including Jesus and also the last of them.

In our religion, we are taught that all Prophets of God are equal, and we believe in them all..

This presents a dilemna.

For if Islam teaches that you must believe in Jesus Christ, then what good is it if what you believe about Jesus CHrist is false? That Islam denies Jesus is the Son of God and is only a mere mortal man is one example when we've definitively shown that Jesus Himself said He is the Son of God.  

I also understand that Muslims believe that Jesus was Himself a Muslim when the Gospels clearly show that on His Blessed Mother Mary's side, He was from the House of David. In other words, Jesus was born of a thoroughly Jewish Mother, the Lily of Israel.  

It is commonly held that Muslims also bellieve that while many people perceived Jesus to be crucified, He did not really die..that another individual made to look like Jesus died and Jesus ecaped.


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